Posture Attribute Repository

2-June-2022 DC CAW

Posture Attribute Repository

The Security Posture Attribute Collection and Evaluation (PACE) Architecture includes a Posture Collection Service (PCS), Posture Evaluation Service (PES), and Posture Attribute Repository (PAR). The PCS is an OpenC2 Consumer that collects information as directed using the Posture Attribute Collection (PAC) actuator profile, which defines the format of collection commands and responses. The PCS then stores posture information for each device in the PAR.

The PAR Schema includes:

The Posture portion of the PAR Schema is defined by the Results portion of the PAC actuator profile. The PAR Schema is translated into GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) for deployment. This manual translation derives the PAR API from the PAC actuator profile.

Querying the PAR

  1. Open the PAR Proof of Concept using GraphQL Explorer, then click the Explorer button to open the explorer pane.
  2. In the Explorer under MyQuery, open listDevices then items. You should see device information (id, manufacturer, model, serial, etc.) plus posture information under attrs and sboms.
  3. In the GraphiQL pane, click the Run button to execute the query. The id field should be added to the query automatically, and the list of device IDs should appear in the results pane: par1

  4. Check additional boxes under “items” to add them to the query, then run the query again: par2

  5. Open the filter list, then serial, and under gt type “X4” and run the query. Only devices with serial numbers that match the filter should be listed: par3

Updating the PAR

The Posture Collection Service uses Mutations to update the contents of the PAR.

  1. Click “ADD NEW MUTATION”, select createDevice, then under input select a kind from the menu and type a manufacturer name. Select some results to display (e.g., ‘id’ and ‘createdAt`) and run the mutation: par4

  2. Open the History pane, select the second MyQuery from the top (without the filter) and run it. The results should show the newly-created device with null for fields that were not included in the createDevice.
  3. Copy the id field for the new device, click “ADD NEW MUTATION”, select deleteDevice, paste the id into the input id field, run the mutation, then run the listDevices query again to show that the newly-created device is gone.

PAR Python API

PACE Software includes a script to initialize the PAR with example Device and SBOM data. This illustrates how to operate the PAR using the GraphQL API.

Note that the PAR proof of concept has no access controls and is shared by all CAW participants. Please play nice.

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