HII - Sweat Equity

2-June-2022 DC CAW

HII - Sweat Equity

HII Mission Technologies provides contractor support to DoD for Open Command and Control (OpenC2) standardization and general cybersecurity automation, with a focus on the development of OpenC2 specifications and associated tooling.

For the June 2022 CAW, HII will provide software tools, infrastructure support, and in-person participation:

Note that the OASIS Open repositories contain the latest “official” complete release of the OIF and Yuuki products; current development versions can be found in the develop branches in the corresponding repository forks under ScreamBun.

In support of communications among plugfest participants, HII hosts two publish / subscribe message brokers on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

HII operates a Discord server that has been used for coordination during past virtual CAW events. Access details for the message brokers is available in a pinned message on our Discord #plugfest channel. If you are not a member of our Discord, contact one of the HII participants for an invitation or to be sent the information directly. Specifics for the process of connecting to the brokers is linked from the CAW June 2022 Tech Details page.

HII also plans to participate in demonstrations of interoperability for Posture Attribute Collection & Evaluation (PACE) use cases, under the Open Cybersecurity Alliance’s (OCA) PACE subproject, based on development progress achieved prior to the CAW event.

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