2-June-2022 DC CAW
This was drafted prior to the workshop to predict results and help prioritize the day of the workshop. It is in the process of being revised post-workshop based on how we did.
The Cybersecurity Automation Workshop was held 2-June-2022 at the AT&T Forum in Washington, DC with 35? in-person participants and over 100 participants on the web. Participants were from x? countries on y? continents.
The results will be looked at from several dimensions:
The opening keynote was provided by Anthony Ramos of AT&T.
You can watch the keynote by Allan Friedman (CISA) here and his slides here. Apologies, I started recording several minutes into the talk.
You can watch the keynote by Chuck Brooks (Georgetown University) here and his slides here. Apologies, I forgot again and started recording several minutes into the talk.
You can watch the keynote by Neal Ziring (NSA) here
See Use Cases
Results for each standard interface/functionality are shown in Standard Interface which contains:
Contributing Companies/Agencies/Universities contains results by organizations.
TBD - Feedback will be solicited.